Phone: 044-223-1142
Business Hours: 12:00 PM - 2:00 AM
Thai Traditional Massage THAI VILLAGE Kawasaki East is just a 3-minute
walk from the JR Kawasaki (川崎) Station East Exit, located on 37th Avenue,
Kawasaki Ekimae Odori Shopping Mall, Shinkawa Dori Street (新川通り). Near
the entrance to Ginryugai Street (銀柳街), close to LA CITTADELLA. Please
come up to the 6th floor using the elevator.

Phone: 044-541-2110
Business Hours:1:00 PM - 1:00 AM
Thai Traditional Massage THAI VILLAGE Kawasaki West is just a 2-minute
walk from the JR Kawasaki Station West Exit (LAZONA side), located near
the Symphony Hall intersection on the Nishiguchi Dori Street (西口通り). Please
take the elevator to the 8th floor.
